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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Diet Plan for Eyes to Keep Eyes Stress Free-Diet Plan for Healthy and Stress free Eyes-How to Prevent Eyes Strain

9:33:00 PM
We are going to learn very good and interesting things for eyes Diet plan for healthy and stress free eyes.

Diet for Healthy, Stress Free Eyes

Apart from all the exercises you perform your diet is an essential aid to the repair and renewal process. Here are some diet tips you should follow for healthy eyes:

Dry Fruits and Nuts

Almonds, raisins and figs are elixirs for the eyes. To help them cope with the demands of your day-to-day activities with this home remedy. Soak six to ten almonds, fifteen raisins and two an-jeers overnight in some water. Eat them on an empty stomach in the morning. The high amount of fiber and vitamins in these fruits helps speed up the digestive processes and helps the body get rid of toxins, thereby helping in resolving eye related problems.

Carrot and Am-la

Another good home remedy for eye related disorders is to have one cup of carrot and Am-la juice, on an empty stomach in the morning. Carrot and Am-la have a lot of vitamin A and are store houses of antioxidants that help beat the ill effects of oxidation stress in the body.

Copper-Rich Foods

The benefits of copper as a micro-nutrient are innumerable, but one of its greatest benefits is that it is a very potent antibacterial agent. Ayurveda practitioners recommend drinking one liter of water, stored overnight in a copper vessel, lends innumerable healing properties to the eyes and other vital organs.

Vitamin A-rich Foods

Include foods rich in vitamin A into your daily diet. Foods like carrots, green leafy vegetables, Am-la, oranges, an-jeer or fig and almonds are packed with this essential vitamin.

Non-Vegetarian Foods

Lastly, avoid non-vegetarian, spicy and preservative laden foods. They lead to the build-up of toxins, which the body finds extremely difficult to flush out.  These toxins build up and lead to various diseases including vision related problems.


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